Welcome to the website for The Woods of Strongsville HomeOwners Association. First time here, please create a new user account (above link, Account Registration) and fill in the required profile data as completely as possible. There’s a lot of useful information here, please know that we’ll always be improving it for you. If you would like to pay your HOA dues for 2025, please scroll down for online payment portals. Thank you!

Safe waste disposal key to safe collection…
- Pressurized Cylinders: Whether it’s oxygen, propane, nitrous, or any other pressurized gas these cylinders should never be placed in your trash unless they are completely and totally empty. Preferably with the nozzle removed as proof. They can – and do – explode in trucks causing damage to property and persons.
- Lithium Batteries: These batteries are found in more and more items from electronics to birthday cards to light-up shoes. When the batteries get wet or punctured they can cause a thermal event that produces a very hot, resilient flame. They cause fires in trucks, transfer stations, landfills, and recycling facilities frequently and should never be thrown out at home. Staples currently accepts lithium batteries for free disposal.
- Loose Sharps: Regardless of what was in the original syringe, loose sharps pose a constant danger to solid waste professionals who can easily get stuck with the needle and need to go through lots of nerve-wracking testing. Throw sharps away inside an approved sharps container or other hard plastic sealable container. Tape them shut and make sure they are clearly labeled as sharps.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Dear Dog Owners:
It has been brought to the WOS Board’s attention that people are taking walks with their dog(s) untethered. There are resident concerns that can be acted upon. Your pet may be the sweetest and best pet ever, but laws are made for everyone, so please be lawful, and out of respect for your neighbors, please leash your pet when you take walks with them.
Neighbors: If you are a dog owner, you are walking your dog and it decides to poop – clean it up! It does not matter if it is on someones front yard or in one of the common areas of the development – please be considerate!! There have been many complaints about this and it’s a simple and considerate thing to do to keep after your pet’s droppings. Thank you in advance!
Soccer Field Reservation policy here.
For up-to-date information and conditions on COVID-19, flu and RSV in Ohio, go to odh.ohio.gov.
Gordon Short is our Councilman for Ward 4 in Strongsville. At the 2022 Woods annual meeting he welcomed us to share his contact information. His cell number is 440-821-6625; Email gordon.short@strongsville.org. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gordoncshort
Welcome to our Woods Online HOA Dues Payment Portals.
Pay HOA Dues for 2025
Click on the envelope graphic below to submit payment via PayPal.
PayPal charges us a processing fee, listed below. Please be sure to include your home address.
Dues payment deadline was January 31, 2025.
Through February 28, 2025, $260.00 + PayPal processing $9.91 = $269.91.
Click on or scan the QR code below, then follow instructions to pay via Zelle. OR you can use the email address treasurer@woodsofstrongsville.com. If you haven’t already used this method of payment elsewhere, your bank’s app, if participating with Zelle, will help you through an easy setup. After inputting your payment amount, PLEASE enter your home address in the section labeled “What is this for” or whatever your memo section is titled. Your payment will be received immediately and noted shortly thereafter. There is no processing fee to use this payment method.
Dues payment deadline was January 31, 2025.
Through February 28, 2025, $260 dues, so your Zelle transmission amount due is $260.00.
Thank you for using our online payment portals!
If you need further information, please contact the WOS board treasurer at treasurer@woodsofstrongsville.com.
Woods of Strongsville HOA Hotline: 440-732-0172.